Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Please Help Me To Achieve #1 Position In Google
Thank you for visiting this post.
I have been actively promote my site with 2 main keywords. Recently, I managed to climb up to position #3 in Google with one of the keywords.
However, I'm not satisfied with that. I want my site to be in position #1.
Therefore, I'm requesting your help to boost my site to number 1 position.
So how can you help me?
Well, the 1st site with this same keywords that I'm competing with is having a PageRank 3, while mine still in PR 2. So this is the first thing I'm going to fight for. (I will fight for more articles submission later)
So, if you are having a blog site which is having a PR of 3 and above, I appreciate if you could leave me a comment about this method, and I shall visit your blogs to leave my comments. From there, I will gain the backlinks from your blogs.
I will post my results here every week. So once my site PR raises, so does yours.
This is a win-win solution, and I really need your help to achieve that.
Click Here to post your comments at my blog site.
Your kind comments are very appreciated.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Calvin Chin
Strategic Niche Articles Resources For Your
Internet Marketing Business