Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Private Label Rights (PLR) Membership Advantages & Disadvantages
Let talk about the websites. Search engines, crawl the websites and will show up on their search results depending on the keywords that are present in the content. PLR membership will allow you to modify the content in the websites and therefore make it unique.
There is no point in just uploading the website as it is. The search engines will penalize you for duplicate content because there are probably hundreds of people that have bought that same website and did the same thing. So what’s the point in having a website if it does not get shown on the search engines?
The rule is you must alter the website to make it unique.
With the PLR articles that are provided for you in the membership, they should be related to the website you have. This is because you can use the PLR articles , modify it and then submit it to the article directories. This will drive traffic to your websites and if your sites have Adsense on them, then you will be making money once people clicks on them.
Same rule applies. Always modify your PLR articles together before submitting them to the article directories. If they find that your article is copied, then they will not put it on their directory and will not submit it to their readers.
The craze now is having Adsense on your websites so that when people visit your website, they will be attracted by the Adsense related to your site and therefore click on it. Bingo. Money in the bank.
This is why you should join PLR memberships.
So why isn’t everyone earning money with PLR memberships?Several reasons actually:
1. They join and see so much stuff they get overwhelmed and they don’t know where to start.2. They go through the material\s and products and don’t do anything with them3. They don’t get a step by step plan of what to do with the membership products4. They don’t know when to carry out their plan. They read a lot of things and either do nothing or do something wrong such as submitting articles unmodified to article directories.
Before you join a PLR membership, do some investigation and make sure that:
- the membership offers good quality products- you can alter the content and use your name as the author. Basically do what you like.- The membership is continuously updated. Not just stale for the past few months.- There is a step-by-step action manual which tells you exactly what to do with the membership’s products and tools and also with their recommended schedule.- There a good testimonials on the website and that they are genuine. If the testimonials are from people who have a good reputation then you have a good chance that the product is good. Marketers giving out testimonials have their reputation to look after.- It would be preferable if the membership has videos to show you how everything is done so that there is no confusion with the manuals.- The additional bonuses which the membership offers are useful and related to your goal. (ie. tools to help drive more targeted traffic)
A bit of a wish list which I’ve always wanted from membership sites when I first started. I had too much bad experience where I joined a membership and didn’t know what to do. I just downloaded the products to my hard drive and did nothing. After 2-3 months, I cancelled and moved on to the next membership.
This is the main problem now with PLR memberships. There are some good ones membership sites which meet some of the criterias set above. Of course my membership meets all of them.
In conclusion, PLR membership are an excellent opportunity to make some profits on the internet. If you stick to it for a long time, your profits will only grow. The main thing you have to remember is that PLR memberships only provide you with the tools. You have to use the tools and put effort into it. In another words, do something with the PLR membership you’ve joined.
Resource Alan Cheng’s Niche Empire provides a weekly niche website , 80 PLR articles, a unique blog script, videos and step-by-step manuals to help you profit online with different niches. Website URL
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